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Your Questions Answered
Online counseling, also known as online therapy or e-therapy, is a convenient way to seek help from the privacy of your home, office, or anywhere else you may be. If you have a busy schedule, do not have transportation, or are a caretaker to someone who needs you with them in the home, online counseling may be a better option for you rather than traditional counseling. At Strength, Love, and Motivation, online counseling/ therapy takes place over a computer via video conferencing. The only tools required is an electronic device with a camera and an Internet connection.
Diagnostic Interview/Intake - $175
Average Cost for Individual Counseling (per 45 - 60 minute session): $120 - $175
Average Cost for Relationship Counseling (couples, family members, groups) (per 60 to 90 minute sessions): $150 - $250
Cost for Clinical Supervision (per hour): $75
Average Cost for Consultation (per 45 - 60 minute session): $175 - $200
Accepted Payment Methods: American Express, Cash, Check, Discover, Flexible Spending Account, Health Savings Account, Mastercard, and Visa. We use IVY Pay to make payment as easy as possible for our clients.
* We offer in-office and virtual services. Contact us to discuss one of our clinicians providing services at your location as the fee may vary.
Making the decision to use insurance for counseling services is a serious one, and here are a few things we have taken into consideration, when making the decision to not accept insurance. Many insurance companies require the counselor to assign a diagnosis to the client for them to pay for the session. The issue to consider is not all clients require a diagnosis as he or she may be seeking counseling because they are struggling with a temporary life situation or to work through grief. When a diagnosis is given to insurance companies, the diagnosis remains on the client’s health record permanently. Since the diagnosis is on the client’s permanent record, it may cause issues in the client’s future such as when they apply for certain jobs, school, the military, security clearances, and for life insurance. When a client chooses to use their insurance, they give the insurance company access to their records. This allows the insurance company to request progress notes from the client’s session, which is an invasion of client privacy. Insurance companies also have the right to limit the number of sessions a client may have with the counselor, and they may choose not to cover the type of treatment the client needs.
Since we are becoming a private-pay, out-of-network provider, we will use your insurance plan’s out-of-network benefits. If your plan offers out-of-network benefits, your insurance may reimburse you for a portion of our session cost. We have partnered with Thrizer to handle the out-of-network process automatically for you. With Thrizer, based on your out-of-network benefits and after meeting your deductible, you will only have to pay a copay for our sessions, instead of paying the full fee and waiting for reimbursements. This typically allows clients to save on average 70% on our sessions. We can help you verify if you have out-of-network benefits and how much your copay will be.
We are in network with various Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) and we accept Flexible Spending Account and Health Savings Accounts. We also offer a Sliding Scale based on client need, with the intention of making therapy possible and affordable for all clients. Please reach out to us to ask any questions and to determine what we can do for you to get the help you need.
The purpose of supervision is to aid in the professional development of supervisees and ensure the welfare of clients. My supervisory approach focuses strongly on multicultural competence, major conceptual approaches, techniques, ethical and legal issues, and appropriate therapeutic interventions. I aim to guide supervisees in exploring their new professional identities. I use a constructivist approach to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) model for supervision. The constructivist approach to CBT supervision model involves a collaborative relationship between the supervisor and supervisee. In clinical supervision, the CBT model provides adaptability of techniques including modeling, role-playing, feedback, reinforcement, and collaborative goal setting. As a CBT supervisor, I will be methodical and precise and will utilize an outline for supervision sessions and discuss progress previous sessions. In implementing another important concept of the constructivist approach to CBT supervision, I will impart suitable behavior of a counselor and work to eliminate inappropriate behaviors. Close monitoring and assessment are two techniques I will apply. As a CBT supervisor, I will request recordings of supervisees’ entire sessions with a client, and I will assign homework as an intervention in supervision. I will also look for a demonstration of technical mastery in supervisees. I will blend developmental models such as Bernard’s Discrimination Model with CBT to determine various needs and levels of supervisees throughout our supervisory relationship.
You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your health care will cost.
Under the law, health care providers need to give individuals who are not enrolled in a participating group or individual health plan, or an uninsured (self-pay) individual, an estimate of their bill for health care items and services before those items or services are provided.
You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any health care items or services upon request or when scheduling such items or services. This includes related costs like medical tests, prescription drugs, equipment, and hospital fees.
If you schedule a health care item or service at least 3 business days in advance, make sure your health care provider or facility gives you a Good Faith Estimate in writing within 1 business day after scheduling. If you schedule a health care item or service at least 10 business days in advance, make sure your health care provider or facility gives you a Good Faith Estimate in writing within 3 business days after scheduling. You can also ask any health care provider or facility for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule an item or service. If you do, make sure the health care provider gives you a Good Faith Estimate in writing within 3 business days after you ask.
If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more for any provider or facility than your Good Faith Estimate from that provider or facility, you can dispute the bill.
Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate and the bill.
For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit, email, or call 1-800-985-3059.
What is Strength, Love, and Motivation's Notice of Privacy Practices?
Strength, Love, and Motivation, LLC (the “Practice”) is committed to protecting your privacy. The Practice is required by federal law to maintain the privacy of Protected Health Information (“PHI”), which is information that identifies or could be used to identify you. The Practice is required to provide you with this Notice of Privacy Practices (this “Notice”), which explains the Practice's legal duties and privacy practices and your rights regarding PHI that we collect and maintain.
This notice is required by law and describes how your health information may be used and disclosed, and how you can obtain access to this information. Please review it carefully.
Your information may be shared without your permission when:
• Strength, Love, and Motivation, LLC employees and/or staff communicate internally for consultative and supervisory purposes to ensure the highest levels of care for you.
• You disclose information that as mandated reporters our clinicians are required by law to report to the proper authorities.
• We are required to do so by federal, state, or local law.
• Your health information is ordered to be disclosed by court order, subpoena, warrant, summons or similar process.
• Your information is disclosed in a way that does not reveal your identity.
Your information may be shared without your permission when:
• A third party is billed for your treatment.
• You request specific information be shared with a third party.
Get an electronic or paper copy of your health record:
• You may request to see a copy of your health record and other health information we may have about you. Ask us how to do this.
• We will provide a copy or a summary of your health record within 30 days of your written request.
• We may charge a reasonable, cost-based fee.
Ask us to correct your health record:
• You may ask us to correct health information about you that you believe is incorrect or incomplete. Ask us how to do this.
• We may deny your request, but we will explain our denial in writing within 60 days.
Request confidential communications:
• You may ask us to contact you using a specific phone number or email.
• We will accommodate all reasonable requests.
File a complaint if you feel your rights are violated:
• You may file a complaint in writing to the President of Strength, Love, and Motivation, LLC if you feel we have violated your rights: PO Box 764, Jonestown, PA 17038
• You will not be penalized for filing a complaint.
• We are required by law to maintain the privacy and security of your protected health information.
• We will let you know promptly if the privacy and security of your information may have been compromised.
• We will never sell your health information.
• We will never use your health information for marketing or promotional purposes without your express written consent.
• We will give you a copy of this document upon your request.
Notice of Privacy Practices
This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to it. Please review carefully.
1. Your medical records are used to provide treatment, bill and receive payments, and conduct healthcare operations. Examples of these activities include but not limited to review of treatment records to ensure appropriate care, electronic or mail delivery of billing for treatment to you or other authorized payers, appointment reminder telephone calls, and records review to ensure completeness and quality of care. Use and disclosure of medical records is limited to the internal use outlined above except required by law or authorized by the patient or legal guardian.
2. Federal and State laws require abuse, neglect, domestic violence, threats, disclosure of self-harm or harm to others and to be reported to social services or other protective agencies. If such reports are made they will be disclosed to you or your legal representative unless disclosure increases risk of further harm.
3. Disclosed information will be limited to the minimum necessary. You may request an account for any uses or disclosures other than those described in Sections 1 and Sections 2.
4. You, or your legal representative, may request your records to be disclosed to yourself or any other entity. Your request must be made in writing, clearly identify the person authorized to request the release, specify the information you want disclosed, the name and address of the entity you want the information released to, purpose and the expiration date of the authorization. Any authorization provided may be revoked in writing at anytime. Psychotherapy notes are part of your medical records. We have 30 days to respond to a disclosure request and 60 days if the records is stored off site.
5. You may request corrections to your records.
6. A request for disclosure may be denied under the following circumstances: disclosure would likely endanger the life or physical safety of you or another person, requested information references other persons, except another healthcare provider, or if released to a legal representative would likely result in harm.
7. If a request for disclosure is denied for reasons outlined in Section 6, you or your legal representative may request review of the denial. A review will be conducted by another licensed healthcare provider appointed by the original reviewer, who was not involved in the original decision to deny access. A review will be concluded within 30 days.
8. You may request that we restrict uses and disclosures outlined in Section 1. However, we are not required to agree to the restrictions. If an agreement is made to restrict use or disclosure, we will be bound by such restriction until revoked by you or your legal representative orally or in writing, except when disclosure is required by law or in an emergency. We may also revoke such restrictions for information gathered when required by law or in an emergency.
9. This agreement may be modified or amended as required by law or in the course of health care operations.
Your rights regarding PHI are explained below. To exercise these rights, please submit a written request to the Practice at the address noted below.
To inspect and copy PHI.
• You can ask for an electronic or paper copy of PHI. The Practice may charge you a reasonable fee.
• The Practice may deny your request if it believes the disclosure will endanger your life or another person's life. You may have a right to have this decision reviewed.
To amend PHI.
• You can ask to correct PHI you believe is incorrect or incomplete. The Practice may require you to make your request in writing and provide a reason for the request.
• The Practice may deny your request. The Practice will send a written explanation for the denial and allow you to submit a written statement of disagreement.
To request confidential communications.
• You can ask the Practice to contact you in a specific way. The Practice will say “yes” to all reasonable requests.
To limit what is used or shared.
• You can ask the Practice not to use or share PHI for treatment, payment, or business operations. The Practice is not required to agree if it would affect your care.
• If you pay for a service or health care item out-of-pocket in full, you can ask the Practice not to share PHI with your health insurer.
• You can ask for the Practice not to share your PHI with family members or friends by stating the specific restriction requested and to whom you want the restriction to apply.
To obtain a list of those with whom your PHI has been shared.
• You can ask for a list, called an accounting, of the times your health information has been shared. You can receive one accounting every 12 months at no charge, but you may be charged a reasonable fee if you ask for one more frequently.
To receive a copy of this Notice.
• You can ask for a paper copy of this Notice, even if you agreed to receive the Notice electronically.
To choose someone to act for you.
• If you have given someone medical power of attorney or if someone is your legal guardian, that person can exercise your rights.
To file a complaint if you feel your rights are violated.
• You can file a complaint by contacting the Practice using the following information:
Strength, Love, and Motivation, LLC
PO Box 764, Jonestown, PA 17038
Phone: (717) 673-8277
• You can file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights by sending a letter to 200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201, calling 1-877-696-6775, or visiting
• The Practice will not retaliate against you for filing a complaint.
To opt out of receiving fundraising communications.
• The Practice may contact you for fundraising efforts, but you can ask not to be contacted again.
1. Routine Uses and Disclosures of PHI
The Practice is permitted under federal law to use and disclose PHI, without your written authorization, for certain routine uses and disclosures, such as those made for treatment, payment, and the operation of our business. The Practice typically uses or shares your health information in the following ways:
To treat you.
• The Practice can use and share PHI with other professionals who are treating you.
• Example: Your primary care doctor asks about your mental health treatment.
To run the health care operations.
• The Practice can use and share PHI to run the business, improve your care, and contact you.
• Example: The Practice uses PHI to send you appointment reminders if you choose.
To bill for your services.
• The Practice can use and share PHI to bill and get payment from health plans or other entities.
• Example: The Practice gives PHI to your health insurance plan so it will pay for your services.
2. Uses and Disclosures of PHI That May Be Made Without Your Authorization or Opportunity to Object
The Practice may use or disclose PHI without your authorization or an opportunity for you to object, including:
To help with public health and safety issues
• Public health: To prevent the spread of disease, assist in product recalls, and report adverse reactions to medication.
• Required by the Secretary of Health and Human Services: We may be required to disclose your PHI to the Secretary of Health and Human Services to investigate or determine our compliance with the requirements of the final rule on Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information.
• Health oversight: For audits, investigations, and inspections by government agencies that oversee the health care system, government benefit programs, other government regulatory programs, and civil rights laws.
• Serious threat to health or safety: To prevent a serious and imminent threat.
• Abuse or Neglect: To report abuse, neglect, or domestic violence.
To comply with law, law enforcement, or other government requests
• Required by law: If required by federal, state or local law.
• Judicial and administrative proceedings: To respond to a court order, subpoena, or discovery request.
• Law enforcement: For law locate and identify you or disclose information about a victim of a crime.
• Specialized Government Functions: For military or national security concerns, including intelligence, protective services for heads of state, or your security clearance.
• National security and intelligence activities: For intelligence, counterintelligence, protection of the President, other authorized persons or foreign heads of state, for purpose of determining your own security clearance and other national security activities authorized by law.
• Workers' Compensation: To comply with workers' compensation laws or support claims.
To comply with other requests
• Coroners and Funeral Directors: To perform their legally authorized duties.
• Organ Donation: For organ donation or transplantation.
• Research: For research that has been approved by an institutional review board.
• Inmates: The Practice created or received your PHI in the course of providing care.
• Business Associates: To organizations that perform functions, activities or services on our behalf.
3. Uses and Disclosures of PHI That May Be Made With Your Authorization or Opportunity to Object
Unless you object, the Practice may disclose PHI:
To your family, friends, or others if PHI directly relates to that person's involvement in your care.
If it is in your best interest because you are unable to state your preference.
4. Uses and Disclosures of PHI Based Upon Your Written Authorization
The Practice must obtain your written authorization to use and/or disclose PHI for the following purposes:
Marketing, sale of PHI, and psychotherapy notes.
You may revoke your authorization, at any time, by contacting the Practice in writing, using the information above. The Practice will not use or share PHI other than as described in Notice unless you give your permission in writing.
• The Practice is required by law to maintain the privacy and security of PHI.
• The Practice is required to abide by the terms of this Notice currently in effect. Where more stringent state or federal law governs PHI, the Practice will abide by the more stringent law.
• The Practice reserves the right to amend Notice. All changes are applicable to PHI collected and maintained by the Practice. Should the Practice make changes, you may obtain a revised Notice by requesting a copy from the Practice, using the information above, or by viewing a copy on the website
• The Practice will inform you if PHI is compromised in a breach.
We collect information outside of PHI -
What information we collect from you?
Email address, phone number, mailing address via website and PHI via TherapyNotes portal if you are a patient.
How do you collect it? Your information is collected via a form on our website and through the TherapyNotes portal if you are a patient working with SLM.
Why do you need this information and how do you use it?
We use your information to provide your services, schedule and confirm appointments, to send merchandise or products, send you information necessary for our services, etc.
Do you share your customers’ information with anyone? If so, who do you share with and for what purpose?
We do not share or sell customer information to third parties for promotional purposes. Customer information is never shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes.
How can customers opt out of communications with you?
If you choose to share your information, you can texting/replying STOP, UNSUBSCRIBE, QUIT at any time; you can respond to an email - unsubscribe from your emails, etc. at any time.
How can customers get more information about your privacy practices or request changes to their information?
You can contact us at or contact us a via our website – or call us at 717-673-8277.
Need to contact the Board to file a Complaint?
If you live in the state of Pennsylvania - contact the State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors:
P.O. Box 2649
Harrisburg, PA 17105-2649
Phone: (717) 783-1389
If you live in the state of New Jersey - contact the the State Board of Marriage and Family Therapy Examiners:
Milagros B. Collazo
Executive Director
P.O. Box 45007
Newark, New Jersey 07101
Phone: (973) 504-6415
If you live in the state of Maryland - contact the the State Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists:
201 W. Preston Street,
Baltimore, MD 21201-2399
Phone: (410)767-6500 or 1-877-463-3464
If you live in the state of Ohio - contact the Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage and Family Therapist Board:
"This information is required by the Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage and Family Therapist Board, which regulates the practices of professional counseling, social work, and marraige and family therapy in this state."
77 South High Street, 24th Floor, Room 2468
Columbus, Ohio 43215-6171
Phone: (614) 466-0912
If you live in the state of North Carolina - If you wish to file a complaint against a North Carolina licensed professional counselor, you may do so by placing that complaint in writing and sending it to the NCBLCMHC. According to the American Counseling Association's Ethical Guidelines, you should attempt to resolve your complaint with the counselor directly. If this is not successful, you may place your concerns in writing, citing the ACA ethical codes you believe to have been broken, and submit along with a completed NCBLCMHC Complaint Form to the Board. The Board will assign your complaint a number so no names will be known to anyone but the Board attorney, administrator, and ethics chair. Once the complaint has been received, notification is sent to the counselor against which the complaint was filed allowing him or her to respond to the alleged charges. If necessary, the Board will investigate the complaint and issue a ruling after gathering all necessary information. Investigations will not be made unless complaints are in writing and signed by the complaintant. For questions about the complaint process or to submit a complaint electronically, please email us at
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